søndag 4. oktober 2009

La escuela

Første uke på språkskole vel overstått for både Stave og Myhre, og overall må vi vel si oss fornøyde. Går i forskjellige klasser, men fikk heldigvis (?) morning sessions, det vil si undervisning fra 09.00 til 13.00 med 20 minutters pause midt i. Skolen ligger i sentrum, men vi oppdaget by luck 120-bussen som tar oss så og si fra dør til dør. Ikke så lett å få oversikten over busstilbudet her nede, så vi har tatt taxi til skolen hver eneste dag, som jo bare er passende ettersom vi bor der vi bor. Cheto-stempelet (argentinsk for snobb) er imidlertid sterkt overdimensjonert, og nå er det slutt på taxi til fordel for bussen =)

Nivået på skolen er vel så som aå, men det er utrolig hyggelige folk, fete lærere og generelt god stemning. De fleste klassene er beginner-level, så jeg var heldig som fikk Intermedio II. Greit å få en bekreftelse på at man kunne mer enn man trodde i utgangpunktet, og begge to regner med superprogresjon på de to ukene vi har igjen. Tiden går vanvittig fort her borte, og planen er å reise litt når vi er ferdige med skolen. Paraguay og Uruguay er foreløpig plan, og Mendoza, eventuelt Patagonia. Marianne blir jo tre uker lenger, og har mye bedre tid, men det blir i alle fall ikke noe stress, vi tar det litt som det kommer, men dersom noen har tips er det bare å komme med dem =) 

fredag 2. oktober 2009

Happysunday =)

Last sunday was probably the best day here so far, but also the coldest... We finally managed to meet up with the group of students/researchers from the University of Oslo, and joined them on a football-match arranged by some of the professors at la Universidad de Buenos Aires. We wanted to see one of the teams at the top of the Argentinian league, but they didn't take the chance of bringing us there. (We did see part of that match on TV, and we understood why....) So we wnt to Estadio de River Plate (Buenos Aires equivavlent to Lyn), a team that's not playing their best soccer at the moment, however we had seats in the middle of the more than enthusiastic home crowd. While freezing half to death, I expanded my vocabulary of Argentinian cursing. It was raining and probbly no more than 7 or 8 degrees Celsius (fue horrible)

However we were happyhappyhappy, and everything got much better, when we joined professor Needelman back to his house for an Asado (barbeque). Prof. Needelman is profesor of Paediatrics, and in charge of the Oslo-BsAs collaboration here. In addition to the norwegians and his family, several of his colleagues from the departement of paediatrics were there, and now I want to do an exchange here for sure =). Vamos a ver.... We got home around 2 a.m. a flying start to our careers as estudiantes de la escuela Ibèro.....

onsdag 30. september 2009

First weekend in BsAS

Last weekend was our first real weekend here, and after two hard days/nights out on thursday and friday, we did just about nothing on saturday, except for the mandatory WellClub-visit and a trip to Carrefour, the supermarket from hell....

I just don't get what the thing is with cashiers here, because they are extremely slow, for no obvious reason... So you normally spend 40 minutes finding the groceries you need for a weeks time, and then you spend almost 30 minutes trying to pay for them. The 30-minute rule is valid no matter how many people that's in line in front of you. (Or you might just stay there for longer). However we were standing there in patience, excited as always for the servicio al domicilio (we're quite easy to please), however, as we were to pay, the cashier refused to accept one of the 100 peso-bills Marianne got from an ATM earlier that day, so the thing Time Out mentions about a lot of false bills are true, even if you get the money from an ATM... 

We got the groceries at last, and when we got home we waited for them to be delivered. It normally take about one hour, which was cool since we were to meet a group from the University of Oslo for dinner, however the groceries never came..... we waited for one hour, two hours, and nothing... The time was running, we were running late, but waited in anticipation. What we didn't know was that if you buy groceries after 6 p.m. they'll be delivered the next day. That, of course, took us almost three hous to find out, however we got to the resteaurant at last, the people weren't there, however we ate our first real argentinian beef, and it was fantastic! Nothing's like a happy ending =)

Trying again

Hola a todos =)  We decided to give blogging another go, even after our previous one got censored or something, we were at least not allowed to access it, so creepingeruption.blogg.no is hereby declared dead, and creepingeruption.blogspot.com is the new one =) 

We have settled in now, so updates are coming, and more pictures, at least if Marianne is in control of the camera. Though we have a tendency of forgetting it...

Flat II

Pictures from the flat